Hi, I'm Jana
An English trainer & Neurolanguage® Coach

I work with individuals in the sustainability and regeneration sectors to help them improve their English. 

I come from County Down, Ireland. I moved back home from the south of France last year, after spending the last seven years studying and working abroad. I have since been reconnecting with the place I grew up, with a new found appreciation for this island and its culture. Sometimes ‘you have to leave home to come home’ (heard here). 

My formal education is in Modern Languages (French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian) and Cultures. I have always been pulled abroad and been intrigued by different languages. I love connecting with people from different countries and cultures, which is why I enjoy coaching so much. I have met many incredibly interesting and unique humans through coaching over the past few years who don’t realise how much they have indirectly taught me and changed my perspectives. 

I am also deeply interested in sustainability and in regeneration in particular. I have taken a few courses focusing on these sectors (see below) and if I am reading something it is usually related to them. I intend to continue my studies in these fields as they are both fascinating and fundamental if we are to find worthwhile alternatives to our current systems. 

As well as a coach, I am also a Pilates teacher. This gives me the opportunity to connect with people locally a few times a week, and allows me to provide support on a physical and emotional level. 

If you work in any sectors related to sustainability or regeneration, I would love to work with you. Book a free discovery call with me via the contact form or email me directly to have a chat.


 As a Neurolangauge® coach I understand your brain, and how to work through learning blocks. 

The greatest barrier to your success is your fear of failure. I will help you regain your confidence in your ability to clearly communicate in English. 

Neurolanguage® coaching takes a brain-based approach to language learning. Your language learning journey is unique, and the coaching is personalised to your particular needs and desired outcomes. Coaching sessions are an opportunity for you to focus on developing your English skills in an environment where you feel supported and encouraged. You will never be judged for mistakes or ‘failure’. There are no mistakes in language learning, there are only lessons.

Because the sessions are tailored to you, the topics we discuss, the activities we do, and the materials we use will be chosen by you so that you are learning and preparing for future and current scenarios when you will need English as a tool. 

I’m here to guide you through your English development journey and to help you bloom in your own time. To listen, support and give you feedback during each session, to be excited for you and with you about your evolution and fulfilling your potential. 

I receive joy from your joy, insight from your insights, enthusiasm and celebration for you as you grow, learn and develop. In the words of Robin Wall Kimmerer, "all flourishing is mutual".

The result is a collaboration, a regenerative relationship where we learn from each other. You already possess the ability to find your voice. I am here to show you that you can once you look and how and why. 

Can’t wait to see you there!


  • Investment for a Regenerative Economy with John Fullerton, Capital Institute
  • Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems MOOC, Systemic Design Labs
  • 4D Regenerative Design Literacy with Daniel Christian Wahl, Gaia Education
  • Cultivating Regenerative Livelihoods, Gaia Education
  • Neurolanguage Coach ® Certificate (ICF accredited)
  • English Language consultant and author for a French digital education platform
  • Online ESL trainer for adults
  • BA in Modern Languages and Cultures with a year abroad, Durham University, UK
  • 120 hours TEFL Certificate, The Language House, Montpellier
  • English Language Assistant, Barcelona

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Client feedback 

I have used many online methods which did not help me to improve my speaking skills. I was also stressed every time I had to interact with a native speaker. With Jana I found a motivational & adaptable coach. the sessions are an hour of relaxation and personal enrichment which end with the feeling of being a step closer to greater fluency and confidence in the practice of this beautiful language. 

-régis, transport consultant