1:1 coaching

Group development

Frequently asked questions

Want to develop your English skills in a group? I provide training so you can make a positive change and spread your message. 

See answers to common questions you may have. 

For if you want to communicate effectively and increase your fluency in English and you work in regeneration or sustainability.

English for changemakers in regeneration and sustainability 

Do you avoid speaking English with colleagues or clients? Do you hate public events because you are worried of making mistakes, or of not understanding everything? Do you feel like you're holding yourself back because you see English as an obstacle that you can't overcome?

What if you invested in yourself, and dedicated time to improving your English so that you could progress in your career, find a job in another country, or simply get noticed for your valuable work and ideas?

Do you have lots of ambition and motivation, but you just don't know where to start?

My job is to help you achieve these goals. I have worked with many clients who all came to me with similar problems. I want to help you get the recognition, the job or the position that you deserve by showing up for yourself in English. 

Each of my programs takes into account the most common difficulties and barriers. I provide a few hours of work between sessions, plus the option to contact me when you like if you have questions or difficulties. 

community GATHERINGS

Past and current clients join this community to take part in a monthly group call with other professionals. 
We discuss any current or future projects or events that are relevant to the sectors of sustainability and regeneration. 
You have the chance to give a presentation on your business or project.
Also an opportunity to collaborate and meet others in the same sectors. 
You can share feedback and contact details with eachother to support your individual journeys of English learning and professional development. 

     We will cover:
  • Taking action towards really speaking English.
  • I work with you to show you that you can and will speak English comfortably if you put in the work.
  • Personalised materials, co-designed by you and I. 
  • Establishing your goals; how do you want to feel, what do you want to do with English, and how do we get there?
  • Big focus on speaking and practising the language in real time. Active learning.
  •  Feedback on vocabulary and pronunciation, plus any relevant links and materials for next session. 


  • 4 live sessions in groups of between 2-6 participants. 
  • Self-guided work to do between sessions. 
  • Live call for speaking practice, sharing ideas and feedback. 
  • Materials will cover introducing yourself in professional and personal context, your background and professional journey. Current situation, goals, struggles and projects. 
  • Focus on communicating in English and collaborating with and supporting each other. 
  • Practising feeling confident while speaking English! 


60-minute sessions

60-minute sessions

1-2 hour sessions

All programs will require you to do some work between the sessions in order for our time together to be the most effective and beneficial for you. You are free to contact me at any point between sessions if you need help or have questions. 

Pricing takes into account the time of your 1:1 session and the preparation time that goes into the material for each session. Each client is different which means I have to adapt all of the support, and I don’t re-use. Taking this into consideration when looking at the amount will help you see the value I am providing. 

I am open to the concept of gift economy where you can ‘pay it forward’ and contribute to someone else’s session if you feel called to do so, so that they can benefit from a 1:1 session (or more). 


Get in touch

Get in touch




Is my English good enough?

If you understand what's written on this website, then yes! I work with upper intermediate learners, so a B2 level by the CEFR standards. This means you can understand the main ideas of complex texts and topics, as well as technical discussions within the sustainable tourism sector and your specific field of expertise within the sector. 

Although I have experience with all levels of learners, it's better if you have a good foundation in order to get the most out of the sessions and to see big improvements through implementing more complex English exercises and approaches. 

If you're not sure what your level is don't hesitate to contact me to chat about the possibility of working together.   

Am I a good fit for these programs?

If you're a professional who works in the regeneration or sustainability, you have a good understanding of written and spoken English, and you are motivated to learn, then yes! 
You must be willing to do some work between the sessions we have together in order to get maximum results. 

How can I sign up?

You can schedule a short call with me via the contact page, and from there we can discuss your needs, goals and current situation. From there you will tell me a day and time that suits you, and we can start working together! 

Which program should I do?

If the descriptions provided on the programs page do not provide enough detail, you can schedule a call with me so I can advise you on which option is best. 
The Neurolanguage program is the most personalised option. You can also do more than one program at a time if  you would like to. 

Where do the sessions take place?

All of my one to one sessions take place online using Zoom, but I can do in-person training if it is for a group and over a period of a few consecutive days.  
Most people have a weekly session, but it is also possible to do fortnightly sessions, or several sessions per week. 

Can my sessions be paid for by my company?

Yes of course, or by you directly if you want. It depends what options are available to you.  

How many sessions will we have together?

Ten one hour sessions, plus 1-2 hours of independent work between sessions. The more effort you put in outside of the sessions the more valuable the work do during the sessions will be.

The length of time it takes to do the program depends on how frequently you want to meet, the average time is around 10 weeks.  

Do you provide group coaching?

Yes, I do. Please contact me if you would like to know more about this, prices and programs will vary based on the needs of each group. 

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